Getting Started

Let's do this thing.

Installing Node.js / NPM

To get started, install Node.js from Node's site, or your package manager of choice. For advanced usage Node Version Manager (nvm) may be useful.

Optionally, install Yarn, which tends to make dependency management a bit less painful. After installing Node/npm:

npm install --global yarn

Starting your project

The easiest way to get started with your project is to go to the webgeoda repo and click the use this template button. That will let you create a new GitHub repository based on the current WebGeoDa release.

Once you have your GitHub repo started, clone the repository and open a terminal in your project folder. Run npm install to download the required modules.

Required Environment Variables - Mapbox API Key

Mapbox tiles are the default background tiles for WebGeoDa scaffolding's maps. If you want to use Mapbox, make an account and generate an API token. Then, create a file called .env.local in the project root folder with your API key as shown below:


Starting the Dev Server

To run the local development server, open your terminal and get started like so:

yarn dev

We're in.

You now have the basic WebGeoDa scaffolding ready to go! From here, why not add some data, customize static pages, or check out the default file structure to see how things fit together?

Last updated